Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Shout Out to Thailand

Since starting this blog I've wondered about how people find blogs. My own, very limited, experience is that you start off following the blog of a family member. That person follows other people's blogs and somewhere along the way you happen onto some blog of a random person that appeals to you. And so I told my family members that I have a blog and I have strong-armed them into reading it. One family member ( who shall remain nameless) is required to comment on every post I make. She requires that I comment on all of her posts and, being the good family member that I am, I have diligently commented on every post she has made. But she is a SLACKER and has not kept up her end of the deal. (You know who you are and you should feel ashamed!)

Another way to have new people read your blog is to hope that they will click on that "next blog" button that appears at the top of most blogs. It's random, but hey, whatever works. A third way to get strangers to look at your blog is to post a video and inadvertently not give"proper credit". I was so excited the day someone from Canada looked at my blog until I realized they did some voodoo magic and took away some of the videos that I had posted. Bummer! You Canadians that police YouTube, couldn't you have just told me what I did wrong ? I promise I would have fixed it right away. I shake my pathetic fist at you!

The fourth way to get someone to look at your blog is to set up a profile with your interests listed. I recently did this. I think it was on Monday. Since then more people have look at my blog and this makes me very happy. But I don't know why. Anyway, I like it. I hope more people keep looking at it and that some of them actually like my blog and will COMMENT, because I really like comments.

My big blog joy for the week came on Sunday when I realized that some people in Thailand had looked at my blog. I hadn't posted anything for a while and was surprised to see that I had 7 views from Thailand. One view could mean that someone stumbled upon it, but 7? No, that was definitely not a mistake or a happy coincidence, it was on PURPOSE! Oh joy! Well, they haven't been back. But I was international for a moment, and that makes me happy. Thank you Thailand people for having a look.


Anonymous said...

And a shout out to all the peoples of Antarctica! You go, people!

bella said...

i will be a more diligent follower and comment!!! love it, neela!