Friday, April 22, 2011

Let Me Explain...

Oy! This month is more than half over and I've only posted once! What's wrong with me?

It's called being in a funk.

My definition of being in a funk - going through life in a state of withdrawal, kind of like depression but not so severe. Over a period of time you realize that you are no longer doing the things that bring satisfaction to life.

Yup. That would describe this month. And it's not like there haven't been things to be happy about -
1  I got my yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do
2  My front yard is (mostly) cleaned up and flowers are blooming
3  We had Spring Break
4  The Crafty One and Moli are done with finals
5  Ummm.....  I guess there is no 5

So what's the problem?
1 Dude-Man is always working. And when I say he is always working what I really mean is he works 6 days a week and is there at least 15 hours/day. Yeah, ALWAYS working.
2  My daily routine has been thrown all out of whack. But that's probably because I'm in a funk, it didn't cause the funk. Although it has made the problem worse.
3  The freaking sun NEVER shines!!! Aha! The root cause of  The Funk has been revealed!

Darn you CLOUDS! and RAIN!! and WIND!!! and COLD!!!! even freaking SNOW!!!!!

Spring time in Utah = the worst season ever, anywhere, anytime.


Bella said...

quick!!! look outside....the sun is shining!!!! (well, at least where i live it is...hopefully it is shining for you right now, too!)

Neela said...

Thanks Bella! I do forget to look outside sometimes. But today I remembered and I actually soaked up the sun while sitting outside in my long sleeve t-shirt and giggling at our new ducklings and their silly antics.