Friday, June 29, 2012

What I Like

The other day I bought a book about habits. It's called ,"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg. I have one more chapter to go and I've bee really impressed by what I've read. It turns out that habits can be made without thinking about them, they are very strong but also very fragile, they can keep us on the straight and narrow, or keep us from reaching our dreams. They can have ripple effects in our lives. The quest for one goal can lead to a domino effect that can cause a cascade of change. Awesome! Individuals have habits Companies have habits Societies have habits I would also add that families have habits as do small groups of people. Lately my habits have been gathering dust as I have neglected them, ignored them, and occasionally destroyed them. Of course I'm talking about my good habits. Bad habits can be neglected, and ignored, but they are never really destroyed. (That is very disheartening.) Anyway, I find myself exclaiming, "Argh!!!" very loudly and on a regular basis as I realize how far I am falling. This must not be allowed to continue. One of my problems is that I have too many goals. And some are too lofty. I am impatient and want results NOW! I am lazy. I don't really believe I can do xyz. I fear change. Crap! But it's time to turn all that around. These are my goals. I don't think there are too many (4). I don't think they are too hard. And I do think I can do them because I have before. 1- exercise every day 2- study the scriptures every day 3- make my bed very day 4- do something creative everyday That's it. Somebody please stop me if I start talking about adding to this list. It takes a long time for something to become a habit for me. Therefore, I will give myself six months of working on these things before considering adding any new goals.


bella said...

you go girl!! i can't even manage 1 goal, so can i adopt yours and if you do them every day then that means i have also done them through you???? :) then i would feel better about myself and you would feel really super duper good about yourself because you were helping others (which is like adding another daily goal, which i am not allowed, technically, to let you do).

Neela said...

Bella, you are silly! Of course you have goals and I'm sure you work on them regularly. I'm thinking specifically about how everyday you make sure your sweet darlings are loved and cared for. I bristle when women think that their lives don't amount to much when they are stay-at-home moms. And yet I do the very same thing to myself on a consistent basis. Shame on me.

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