Thursday, March 10, 2011

OMG!!! I'm in a Video with Super Junior!!!

Let me just say that again - I AM IN A VIDEO WITH SUPER JUNIOR!!!!!!

I am so spazzing right now, you'd think I was 16.

So first a bit of background. In September, Super Junior came to LA as part of the SMTown Live 2010  concert. I got great seats for me and The Crafty One. Front row seats to be exact. The concert was so amazing. There are really no words to convey the pure joy I felt that night.

I was so happy and excited and elated and and and..... You get the picture.

Every night I spend time watching Super Junior videos. Tonight I found one that was from that concert. I chose to watch it because Henry and Siwon are speaking English. At the time of the concert I was so delirious because of their proximity that I could not listen coherently and so I have no recollection of what they said. So I started watching and listening until I realized that the camera was pointed in our general direction! And then I stopped listening and started screaming just like I was back at the concert.

We are in the upper right-hand corner when the video starts, next to the two posters that are being held by fans. I'm wearing a gray shirt with purple flowers and The Crafty One is wearing blue. Check us out -

My family has gathered around to watch me scream like a silly teenager. I may never know what they said, but I sure am happy.


Hannah said...

Yeah mom!!!!! You're you tube famous now!! Great seat choosin! LOVED the delirious-16-year-old-screaming thing. I think... Great excitement and awesomeness!!!!

Veena said...

Look at you, you're practically famous! If only you were in a mega-awesome movie that played in theaters across the country...oh wait. You were. You are famous!!!!

jain said...

nice. can totally see you sticking your cell phone in your bra.

Kiraa said...

Going to have to watch it again for that Jain.