Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wear a Mask Already!

Today I went to the doctor's office because I have a killer sore throat. And a headache. And my tonsils are so swollen and painful that they hurt if you look in their general direction. I also have a fever. And chills. It makes me want to cry to swallow anything. Poor me.

But this post isn't really about me. It's about a woman at the doctor's office. The one who was coughing and hacking.

My doctor's office provides masks to wear if you are coughing. This woman's companion asked her if she would like a mask. (She had just coughed her lung onto the floor.) She had the audacity to say NO! Wait!!! WHAT!? And she said it like her companion had lost his mind.

Lady, you don't wear a mask to prevent yourself from getting sick. You wear a mask so that you don't make other people sick. Sheesh!

In South Korea they have the cutest masks to wear. Just like in this country where people go to work and school even if they're sick, people in South Korea do the same. But they have the decency to take preventive measures so they don't get others sick.

The Super Junior boys are always working when they're sick. I really don't understand how they can do concert after concert while being sick, but they do it all the time. And they are always wearing masks. Here are some pictures of them in their cute masks -

Note to self - buy some masks for the family before I turn into a total hypocrite.


Veena said...

I'm all for stylish coughing masks! We are so behind the times.

DeAnn said...

I feel a fashion trend building! I will carry it to Phoenix for the SJs. I hope you feel better soon!!! DeAnn