Saturday, January 1, 2011

I'm Not So Sure...

I didn't say it before, so I will say it now - Happy New Year!!!

But before there is a New Year there is always a New Year's Eve party. Our family celebrated in our typical fashion, which meant Chinese meat pastries and games. And friends, don't forget the friends!

First the Chinese meat pastries - This is quite the production. There is the making of the dough and the making of the filling. If we didn't have to make so many it wouldn't be a problem, but this year we made 180 of them. That meant multiplying the recipe SIX times. And by that I mean six FREAKING times!

Here is Giggles on her maiden excursion to Dough Land -
She was an excellent helper and made what is typically my job a whole lot easier.

Then all those blobs of dough had to be divided into small bits that would later be rolled out and filled with a delicious filling of ground pork, Chinese cabbage, and flavorings -

Here is Dude-Man mixing up vast quantities of the filling. (He is really awesome for doing this part.)

And then there is the actual assembly of the meat pastries -

Dude-Man stays up for half the night steaming these buns of deliciousness. (He is a really good man.) The rest of us gobble up the buns as soon as they are cooked. He cooks them 21 at a time for 26 minutes. That means it took him about three and a half hours to get them all done. (I did the math) Whew!

For the first time, The Boy invited some friends to join in our festivities. Meet Thing1 and Thing2 -
 These two are great guys and don't cause too much destruction. (Except for that one time that they had a food fight in our basement..... I'm still finding the Reese's Puffs.And that was years ago!) The three of them spent the rest of the night watching movies and playing video games.

Dude-Man and our girls (plus one extra, The Other One) spent the night playing Spoons and I Doubt It (our cleaned up version of BS). And me? I rang in the new year by watching Bonamana over and over and over.

Not to be outdone, the Super Junior boys were performing a new, revamped version of Sorry, Sorry, Sorry and Bonamana. I'm not sure I approve -

So after watching it at least a half dozen times I think I like it. It has a really different feel to it which makes me feel like a little uneasy, kind of like walking into a room that has been rearranged without your prior knowledge. (If you know what I mean.) That reminds me, I think it's time to do some furniture rearranging. Sorry, sorry, sorry, Dude-Man!


amy said...

i wish i were in on that action! you guys are always having a great time and eating great food ~ we miss you!

Veena said...

Fun times! Maybe next year we'll have to come crash your party and then I will HAVE to stay up to see the New Year.