Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Furs" and Ruffles

I wasn't really groovin' with new look for Super Junior M. But what's the name of my blog? Oh, yeah! What Would Super Junior Do? So I asked myself that very question and I decided that they would copy the style and take a few pictures. So that's what I did -

Ruffles? Check! Furry hat? Check! I think I could fit in, especially since there seems to be a spot for me tucked between Eunhyuk and Donghae (back row, just to the left of center). Too bad I am photoshop ignorant.

Oh well. And I don't take serious pictures very well either. I like this one the best -

And my opinion of ruffles and fur hats? They rock!


amy said...

seems that sleve is ahead of the fur hat trend (i.e. previous post). perhaps he set it?

Hannah said...

You rock Mumsi!!!!! I especially love the blue ruffled shirt (my favourite color!!!!)One thing to change, make the posts LONGER!!!!!! With lots of lurves, ? (you know who it is) ;)

DeAnn said...

Love the hat. I think YOU rock. Such a fasionista! :)