Sunday, February 6, 2011

Gratitiude - A Sunday Thing

I was sick this week. Not super sick. Worn down and painful throat sick. I spent three days in bed sleeping. If I can sleep several times in a day and then sleep through the night I know something is wrong.  I find it to be very boring to spend the day in bed. And so, without further ado, the things I'm grateful for this week:

First, I'm thankful for ibuprofen -

I love this stuff because it usually takes the pain away or at least the edge off. Demerol does no such thing for me. When I was in labor with my first child I thought that I would have natural childbirth in an attempt to save some money. Hahaha! They gave me Demerol (to take the "edge off") and it was as if my brain went on vacation while all those nerve ending were still left vibrantly throbbing with pain. Not fun. The epidural was sooo worth it.

But I digress. In almost every instance of pain I reach for the ibuprofen and this week was no exception. Although my throat was raw and on fire, the ibuprofen did the job and made the pain bearable.

Second, I'm grateful for my ipod -

Whenever I don't want to do something, turning on my ipod has a magical effect on me. My grouchiness melts away and I'm transformed into an upbeat and happy person. Earlier this week I did not want to exercise. I had an idea I was coming down with something but I was hoping to think positive thoughts to banish away my illness. Exercise and home care was challenging. But when I turned on my tunes I was able to exercise and at least get the dishes done. I also recently discovered that I can brush my teeth longer and more thoroughly if I put on my headphones and listen to some Super Junior while brushing.

Third, I'm thankful for kitties that snuggle with me -

I always dreamed of the day when we would have cats that actually like each other instead of just tolerating each other. We finally achieved success with these two. Stormy is the bigger of the two and Cleo is the one with patches of orange. They love each other and they love me. During the days that I was in bed they were happy to cuddle with me when I need some extra heat and then were content to stay nearby if I didn't want to be touched. All friends should be so understanding.

As always I'm grateful for my home, my family, and my faith -

and don't forget Super Junior!

Now tell me something you are grateful for -

1 comment:

Stiv said...

I would be grateful if the cats laid on your pillow and not mine.